VALUABLE will focus on the demonstration of a platform non-plant-based biomass valorisation process for the production of yeast oils as a viable substitute for fossil-based and plant-based products (such as palm oil) in applications such as cosmetics, adhesives and resins. More specifically, the VALUABLE process will valorise Aspergillus niger biomass feedstock to demonstrate:
· Techno-economic viability of producing oils as a substitute for fossil based and plant-based products for applications in cosmetics and bio-based chemicals (e.g., resins for coatings) markets.
· Better valorisation of fungal biomass waste streams rich in chitin for the production of non-animal derived chitosan and chitosan oligomers for use in applications such as cosmetics and bio-based chemicals (e.g., adhesives) markets.
The key objectives of VALUABLE are the following:

To demonstrate economic benefit and improved industrial competitiveness of the VALUABLE process for the production of yeast oils and chitin:
- emission target of <3.5kg CO2/kg of yeast oil produced
- cost targets of <1.3€/kg and <3€/kg for yeast oil and chitin respectively
- reduce costs of oil recovery by 10-30%.
To demonstrate the viability of the VALUABLE platform process by upcycling Aspergillus niger fungal biomass waste, from citric acid production, for the production of oils and fully valorising all side-streams (cascading use) by Month 24

To demonstrate the viability of the VALUABLE platform process by upcycling Aspergillus niger fungal biomass waste, from citric acid production, for the production of oils and fully valorising all side-streams (cascading use) by Month 24
- Solubilisation of Aspergillus niger biomass to extract chitin from Aspergillus hydrolysate
- Enzymatic conversion of chitin into chitosan (sub-kg scale by M18 and kg-scale by M30) and other derivatives for new applications, including as additives in cosmetics and adhesives products
- Fermentation of kg-scale Aspergillus hydrolysate into yeast oils (by M24) and new products derived from downstream processing of yeast oil such as additives for cosmetics (i.e., stearates) and alkyd resins (coatings)
- Recycling of the nutrient rich aqueous fermentation phase in subsequent fermentation cycles.

To demonstrate economic benefit and improved industrial competitiveness by adopting and implementing VALUABLE (incl. external SMEs such as biomass owners-farmers)
- Development of a business opportunity assessment particularly for biomass owner’s, biomass users and bio-based material end-users.
- Preparation of an exploitation strategy through the development of a roadmap covering IP, risk, business models and protection options for project results
- Development of a business plan covering: OPEX and CAPEX modelling as well as market analysis and feedstock sourcing.

To develop and transparently communicate the results and activities of VALUABLE and disseminate the key outputs in a clear and inclusive way to improve the understanding of all stakeholders (academia, industry, public and policy makers) and to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities using appropriate evaluation tools such as feedback questionnaires and surveys, google analytics and attendance at events.
Expected results
Reported economic benefits communicated to SMEs showcasing potential to improve competitiveness and create jobs from adoption of VALUABLE.
Demonstrated recycling potential for sidestreams to improve circularity and reduced water consumption.
Demonstrate process flexibility for valorisation of underutilised biomass waste streams.
Demonstrated cost-effective VALUABLE process to valorise Aspergillus A. niger biomass waste with validated reduced environmental impact
Demonstrated VALUABLE cascading process to valorise chitin into chitosan and chitosan oligomers and derivatives
Demonstrate VALUABLE’s cascading process to valorise oils into bio-based industrial products for replacement of fossil-based materials and plant-based materials i.e., palm oil.